'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas'. No shit Bing. Walking around the West End was pretty hellish yesterday and, considering it was only the first weekend in November, it's going to get much worse in December. I'm going to buy my pressies early this year so I can spend my rare moments of free time -
a) staggering to and from Christmas drinks
b) recuperating from said Christmas drinks
c) wallowing in my own muck
d) robbing pharmacies of bird flu drugs to best prepare for the winter onslaught. Trust me people, I'm sure bird flu was predicted in the Bible somewhere. Yeah, in the back, between some psalms I think. Fine then, don't believe me.
* Am jockeying some discs at Bar Vinyl in Camden this Monday. You might hear a couple of these in amongst the poorly mixed mess...
The Presets - Girl And The Sea (Cut Copy remix)
White Enemy - White Enemy
The Rapture - Out Of The Races And Onto The Tracks
Tiga - You Gonna Want Me (Isolee In-My-Bee remix)
Hardrock Striker - Control (In Flagranti Disco Punk mix)
Four Tet feat. Percee P - A Joy
Chromeo - Needy Girl (Bloc Party's High School Prom remix)
Radio 4 - Start A Fire (Justin Robertson's Revtone Instrumental mix)
Kenny Rogers - The Gambler (ok, now that's just being silly)
* Plug one - Drowned In Sound is up and running again this week after a re-launch. Nautical is definitely in this season.
* Plug two - November means it's issue 10 of Subter.com
* Plugs One and Two (from De La Soul) were at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Lisbon this week performing with Gorillaz. But weren't Gorillaz also performing in Machester at the same time?
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