Thursday, August 24, 2006

I knew it!

You Are A: Pony!

ponyWho doesn't love a pony? You are one of these miniature horses, renown for your beauty and desired by many. Full of grace, you are a beautiful and very special animal, full of strength and majesty.

You were almost a: Lamb or a Duck
You are least like a: Chipmunk or a MouseThe Cute Animals Quiz


Anonymous said...

you'll be pleased to know that I am a duck!

Euan said...

Hooray for animal quizzes!! I could have been a close, yet so far...

Anonymous said...

You know, I was a duck once... I'm just saying...

Anonymous said...

I got bear cub? Serious, wtf mate?

Euan said...

Bear cub? That's odd. Bear cubs are mighty fetching though. Awwww!

Anonymous said...

you soooo faked the results. I am a monkey, and I´m proud!

Euan said...

No, I didn't cheat at all!! And I've become what I've always wanted as well! A proud pony, oh yeah...

Anonymous said...

I am Hello Kitty.(She weighs the same as 3 apples you know).