Seriously kids, if you haven't seen Heroes yet (either on Sci-Fi channel or through nefarious tinterweb-assisted means) then this Wednesday on BBC2 at 9pm is your chance. Normal peeps suddenly discovering they have super powers which enable them to fly, read minds, heal, walk through walls and time travel. Plus, it's got Conor Oberst in the lead role! Well, maybe not.....

Who's your favourite cast member?

This week I have mostly been listening to.....Black Sheep. A throwback from 1991, Dres and Mista Lawnge's easy, laidback rhymes are recommended for anybody bored of the current state of hip-hop (I mean really, have there been any must have longplayers this year? Jeez, I though last year was bad...)
Black Sheep - The Choice Is Yours
Conor's power is to absorb other peoples' unhappiness to create a dirty great big catalogue of filthy tearjerking EMO. I believe he also uses it to get into girls' pants, but no YouTube clips have surfaced yet.
Yours faithfully,
Codename Sparrow.
"To the J, to tha P, to the A, to the X-Man"
You guys dont have Heroes in the UK yet? OOOMMMMGGG. And was someone just spoiling the plotlines? Ptooey.
Season 2 is going to be MAJOR.
Well, it's only been showing on cable over here, but I saw all of Season 1 months ago.
Who was spoiling the plotlines? Not me! Anyway, the powers I mentioned are common knowledge if you've read the press releases but haven't seen an episode.
'Flying Man!'
I can't wait for the sub-series accompanying Series 2 where you can vote minor characters on to the main series!
I thought Heroes was all a bit "okay" but I'll stick with it.
Hiphop longplayers that ARE very good this year:
Turf Talk
Trust me Mr B, it gets better after the first few.
And yes, agreeance on Devin's LP. Preedi damn good. But when was the last classic album? It's sure been a while....
Favourite Hero: Hiro. Because he carries himself like someone full of ice cream, which I heartily endorse.
Ugh! Peter Petrelli is Rory Gilmore's bad boyfriend, except with way worse hair. So I just couldn't get on board the Heroes bus if he's the best they can come up with for a superhero leader. Now Horn Rimmed Glasses guy - he's cool. He was in Dynasty. And now I'm showing my age...
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