What was Sir Trouser of Snake thinking when he dissed Prince on 'Give It To Me'? He should have just came out guns blazing and picked on Purp's bad marriages, height, and clear lack of musical direction for the last decade, instead of a verse full of half-arsed taunts that don't hold up to further scrutiny. Now, Flairs on the other hand simply says he can do anything under the sun better than Ol' Squiggly Symbol, and states his claims on top of some sly funk bass, woozy fizzes and handclaps galore, instead of petulantly whining over a glitch pop track. Maybe the three of them should just duke it out in a cage, Ryan Atwood style. Whilst wearing wife-beaters. Natch.

Sigh, I'm having OC withdrawal symptoms already. At least there's Heroes to fill the void, although Wendy Melvoin's no Ben Gibbard - now I'm sure she could think of a million ways to get Prince riled (How's that for a cyclical post?)
Flairs - Better Than Prince (instrumental)
(hear the full version here, or buy it from Rough Trade and Phonica)
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