Holy Hail are a band from the States who have just released their new single this week through Adventures Close To Home (in fact, it's also ACTH's debut release too!). Comparisons to Tom Tom Club and a 'make up a genre today' label of 'gospel-hop-electro-country' are wide of the mark, although I can see why comparisons to the former abound. What I do know is that Born Of A Star is by the far the best single out this week, so get your mitts on it now from here or here.
As an added treat, the Adventures lads have turned in a great remix of 'Born Of A Star' that isn't on the 12 inch release. No, it's here instead.

Also high on rotation this week, and straight on to the Pod of justice is Mr Timothy Mosely's new album, Shock Value. It's not all club bangers or bass driven 'where the f**k did he steal that from' sample laden classics, but there a more than enough tracks on there to make it worth shelling out a tenner for. However, it's all about the opening cut for me, with Timbo taking Nina for a spin in his souped up De Lorean DMC-12, and making her fruit turn mighty strange indeed. 'Roads? Nina, where we're going we don't need roads'
Timbaland - Oh Timbaland
Pity about all those really bad reviews then...I think he's got a serious case of the Diddy's. That's a medical term, look it up.
I had the Diddy's last week, but I used a cream and 'hey presto' they disappeared!
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