Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Can't Mix Won't Mix - May 11 @ The Pool

Right....shameless plug here....

The first official Can't Mix Won't Mix night is on this Wednesday May 11 at The Pool bar in Shoreditch. Guest DJ on the night will be Franco (The End) who will be dropping plenty of electric cuts for y'all to get down and dirty to (or get shamelssly drunk to...your choice really). The CMWM lads will be on the decks too, and entry is FREE! Yup, not one penny. Or pence. So....

Can't Mix Won't Mix @ The Pool,
104-108 Curtain Rd, EC2, Shoreditch.
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 8pm - 1am.
Playlist - Electro/Indie/Hip-Hop

Over and out...


Anonymous said...

From what I hear, this night goes off!
The DJ is quite the ladiez man as well ;o)
How good is The Knife!

Euan said...

Damn straight. The DJ has to run for cover from sceaming fans every time he goes near the booth (probably screams of protest I bet). Yes, The Knife are mighty fine. Crazy Swedes!