Monday, December 12, 2005

The Space Between launch pardeee tonight!

Beer. Beer. Vodka. Hangover. Ow.

Ahem.... The Space Between Magazine are having their launch party at the Old Truman Brewery in Shoreditch....TONIGHT. Come along. I'm gonna play some rekkids. Then have me some vodka. Beer. Beer. Oh dear (it's been a bit like that this week).


Anonymous said...

"Progressive Situationist Culture"??
"DJ Euan"??
What rhymes with banker...?

Euan said... now there missy! This coming from a lawyer.... ;)

Anonymous said...

When you give me a 1000-word rundown on situationism I'll back down, and not before! (Let's not forget I have a next to useless grad dip in literary linguistics so I knows my situationism).

Euan said...