In my hungover state this afternoon (due to the messy events of last night's UK iPod battle, won by M.I.A. and friends) I'm finding myself drinking copious amounts of tea, writing e-mails and checking out blogs. One particular blog that I've been following closely is James Murphy's guest column on The Guardian's Arts & Entetainment blog. Murphy was told to write whatever he felt like (i.e. blogging), something which many regular readers of the site felt was a waste of space. Despite the idiotic and pointless vitriol spouted by some readers, Murphy has continued his lower-case submissions, and his most recent post on life as a touring musician is rather touching, in an odd technologically assisted manner.
LCD Soundsytem - Too Much Love
(no, I'm not going to post anything off Sound Of Silver because:
a) every blogger out there has done so already.
b) you should buy it yourself instead of piecing it together from assorted mp3
blogs. Go on....
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