Friday, June 10, 2005

The week Major Leaguer went corporate...sorta

Highllights of the week?

* Can't Mix Won't Mix 3 - Bse from A Bit Nice dropped some science on our asses at Can't Mix on Wednesday (i.e. he played some lovely hip hop really) including the new Missy joint...damn! You're welcome back any time...

N.B. 22nd June sees Can't Mix number 4 being taken over by the Nature Loves Courage kids for their issue 4 launch party. Did I mention there'll be free NLC badges? Oh yeah....8pm-1am at The Pool Bar on Curtain Rd, EC2. If I don't see you there, I'll get Steve Albini to come over to your house and kick your ass...

*Still Sudoku's sucking my life away...

*Avoided hearing any Dr Who plot developments from WK...tomorrow's episode could be either brilliant or bollocks.

*Hearing today that Steven Gerrard's pre-season will be cut short thanks to European football. Get in there...

*Finally finding the Pere Ubu track I'd been trying to track down for several years since seeing the filmclip for it on ABC's Rage music video back in September '96 (It was the night that Custard first programmed the show, and included Dead Milkmen's Punk Rock Girl, Soundgarden's Jesus Christ Pose, and Wall Of Voodoo's Mexican Radio....whoa ohhhh, radio). Anyway, I digress...the track's called Love Love Love and is from their hard to find (and expensive) Cloudland album. It marked a poppier path for the band in comparison to their early albums such as The Modern Dance and Dub Housing.

* Oh, and as you look to your right you'll see the newly constructed Google AdSense shrine. Clicky on the linkys if you will and I'll promise I'll blog more often (or you can click on them if you want me to stop. Your choice...)

There's also a search window at the bottom of this page if you can't be assed to type in W....W....W....DOT....G...O...O...G...yeah, yeah, you get the picture. Suddenly I feel all techno-mo-logical ...

Artic Monkeys Experiment
C'mon lads, Amerie and now Jeremy Warmsley are kicking your keisters when it comes to hits directed to this site.

(Hey, that three slang words for buttocks in the one post. Looks like that journalism degree's really starting to pay off after all these years. Better remove it from the emergency toilet paper stash)

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