Record of the week
Death Cab For Cutie - Plans

First outing on a major label for Seth Cohen's favourite band, and it's another strong collection of tunes about hearts (both broken and mended) from Ben Gibbard and the gang. Indie purists fearing complacency and over-production due to the band's jump to the murky waters of the mainstream should fret not. Songs such as first single 'Soul Meets Body' are as beautiful as The Photo Album's 'A Movie Script Ending', while 'Different Names For The Same Thing' uses the same mid-song detours that characterised Transatlanticism's stand-out track 'We Looked Like Giants'. Sure, it'll shift units like hotcakes, but right now I can't think of a band that's more deserving of commercial success than DCFC, and that's a statement Seth and Captain Oats would no doubt agree with.
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