Good. You know your music. You should be able to
work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and
Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One)
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes kids, it's the easiest music quiz around. Failure is unacceptable, OK?
*The word on Serenity? Go see it. To paraphrase my comrade Will Kane, 'The worst part of the movie was trying to figure out which female character I liked most'. Well said WK.
Happy John Peel Day y'all.....go buy the new Fall album and turn it up to 11 in his honour.
There is a girl in my Comp. Politics class who looks dangerously close to Kylie (the mechanic)... too bad she's short.
Good Quiz. I am so smart. S.M.R.T. I mean S.M.A.R.T
Ps: Re the last question - what is the the "New Rock Revolution" when it's at home? Is it one of those lame Spin/NME labels for "Bands who Play Guitar"? (What a novel concept that is.)
Pps: Euan! I'm going to the BDO in Melbs this year.(To get sunburnt, a fake tatt and a vodka slushie, and to perve at Jack White on a big screen. *sigh*) Wanna come with me? Oh that's right, I forgot. :)
Yes, the New Rock Revolution was the tag coined by NME for all the American 'rawk' bands that blew up in 2002.
BDO in Melb? I curse you!
Mmmmmm....i 'heart' all the Serenity ladies. Mr Whedon sure likes to cast cute women. Why does he tanut us? Arrrgh!
"Why does he 'tanut' us?"
Good point, well made. Iz it becuase you cant spel words good? (Hee.)
My fave part of Serenity was the frequent breakouts into Yosemite Sam-speak, mixed with Chinese expletives. My least fave part was the end, knowing I am now hooked on a show that's been axed. Tarnation.
You've changed since you learnt how to be a 'law-talkin' lady'. You've changed!
I think I'm gonna have ta go see that film tonight.
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