Mine's awesome. Chronological-style like my man Mike Gordon. Davis Rees' follow-up to Get Your War On is a brilliant snapshot of office politics and the insanity of day-to-day life in a cubicle. Hand me my stapler and a box of sharpened 2B's.
* A fiver is all you need for the super-duper DFA Holiday Sampler. It's sampleriffic!
* Spotted in Piccadilly Circus today - Giles from Buffy! Well, Anthony Stewart Head if you're going by real names. No, wait, his real name is Giles. Honest.
* Before you gorge yourself on candy, swat up on your Halloween history. Spooky.
* Good to see Elvis is still the king when it comes to making money from beyond the grave, despite Biggie and Bob's best efforts (cha-ching!)
It's Tony, you total Whedonverse newbie. And he so, so, so should have been Dr Who....Pardon me, my inner-geek is showing. C
I know it's Tony....have you seen Veronica Mars yet? Joss is guest starring in an episode in Series 2...
hehe nice comic, reminds me of Dilbert
Veronica Mars is methadone for our Buffy cold turkey kids.
And Tony Head is in the next series of Dr Who. Pleaying the Headmaster. Hmmm... could it be...?
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